
  • Understanding of any document instantaneously, since the translation is achieved immediately.  
  • Considerable time saving by having to avoid searching for a word or more in the corresponding language dictionary.
  • Obtaining orthographic and grammatical corrections instantly, also providing help in learning and practicing those same aspects.     
  • The possibility of saving a document in the computer, with all the terms learned by the translator.     
  • Generally, there is a great variety of languages ​​and dialects available in the same tool, which allows us to carry out, if we wish, more than one translation in a short period of time.   
  • The translation of large texts.    
  •  Easy access through any digital device or computer.     
  • Its use does not have any type of cost.
  • Reliability: The translation is never perfect, although it is generally close to 90% accuracy. Most translators still have serious difficulties in correctly translating complex sentences or expressions that can have several meanings.
  •  The literal translation of expressions that are used colloquially or figuratively, resulting in somewhat absurd phrases in a language that is not native
  •  No grammatical congruences. When passing from one language to another, grammatical inconsistencies can be present in a language that is not the original.
Although it is not relevant topic in the subject I wanted to have it since it is a problem that we have in life acotidina, because people we go to the most fail or basico without bisvar other alternatives.
EVIDENCE  09/10/18 L.V.T
